Hemp products containing a limited amount (<0.3%) of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC (D9) falls under the “2018 Farm Bill” enabling it to be sold nationwide, regardless of most state’s marijuana laws. As D9 continues to grow in popularity and demand across the industry, the preference for THC consumables grows as well. While edibles like gummies are a well-known popular form, the market for THC beverages is expanding rapidly and stands to compete with alcohol on a more direct level.
According to New Frontier Data, 68% to 70% of consumers aged 18-44 prefer cannabis over alcohol. Furthermore, within those same consumer age groups, 56% to 60% are replacing at least some of their alcohol with cannabis.

We all know alcohol is a huge business, so including hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products in your business strategy could provide you with a competitive edge and drive growth in your market. Many of our partners have already begun incorporating D9 skus into their brands, and as the industry continues to expand, the opportunities for growth are limitless.

American Extractions is proud to offer a wide range of high-quality, rigorously tested hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products that can help you meet the growing demands of the market. American Extractions currently offers D9 tinctures, gummies and fruit chews. Launching in Q2,we will add powdered drink mixes (stick packs), seltzers and other ready-to-drink beverages and shots. We are now welcoming orders for standard and custom formulations alike you have any questions or concerns surrounding the legality of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC or are interested in learning more about our products, please contact your sales representative.